Friday 4 May 2012

Bogus Bus Whiplash Crashes

This week whiplash claims have been making the news again with a number of stories being reported on across the media. One story which really caught my eye this week was the story of how criminals are orchestrating car crashes into buses that are full of their criminal partners to make a load off cash payouts for whiplash claims.

The new cash-for-crash crimewave has seen reported cases of up to 36 fake passengers being placed on a bus and having the drive of a car smash into the side of it. All of the passengers then make a personal injury whiplash claim and will split the money between the criminal gang. This type of stunt has resulted in over £1 million in illegal claims being made in Cheshire and is a scary indication of how far criminals will go to try and make some easy money.

Stay tuned to the blog this week as we’ll be looking at whiplash claims all this week.

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